Bravo is one of Sweden’s most well-known brands within eatables, as well as Sweden’s best-selling juice. Over the years, Bravo has expanded its range of products and it was time for the launch of Bravo Smoothie. Our mission was to increase awareness and purchase intent of the new product through a well-known concept for a large amount of different communication platforms, following a brand lift study in order to measure the impact of the campaign.
The main target audience for Bravo is families with 2+ kids living at home with a Swedish breakfast behaviour during weekdays. Juice is primarily consumed at breakfast (75% of the total volume during breakfast occasions) and the same goes for Bravo consumers. In addition, Bravo is seen more as a thirst quencher compared to other juice brands, basically during afternoon and evening. Therefore, we adapted our creative concept along three kind of audiences: Shoppers (Strongest purchasing power: Parents in families with kids living at home btw 3-25 y.o), consumers (Kids 7-20 y.o.) and taste lovers (People responsible of purchases in the age span of 25-50).
With our target audiences in mind, our focus was to communicate the product in environments that reflected our audiences everyday life such as breakfast, picnic or on the go. This in order to create relevant associations and put Bravo Smoothie top of mind during each event and of course, in store. Above all, we prioritized early branding and product centric to ensure the impact on both brand and product as well as consistency across different pieces of content in order to generate good ad recall.
For the Bravo smoothie campaign, we were live with a video ad on Facebook divided in three different versions of content (mixed fruits, red berries and tropical fruits). The objective for this campaign was brand awareness and reach. Our ambition was also to stay present especially during the most shopping intensive periods: paydays and weekends. The campaign delivered almost 5 million impressions, had a reach of 1,4 million people and an average frequency of 3,5. We also reached 52% of the potential target group (2 760 000 people) where 50% of the target audience watched at least 3 seconds out of the 7 seconds long ads.
After the advertising period of our content, a Brand Lift Study was conducted where BRAVO could measure the impact of the campaign. With this study, we could see if we had increased the brand awareness and if our target audiences had an incentive to purchase the product in the physical store.
The Bravo smoothie campaign created the groundwork for how Bravo and other brands within the Lactalis Group would succeed in launching new ideas through creative concepts and social media marketing. Bravo could see an increase in brand awareness of 13% and increased purchase intent of 3% as a result of the campaign! In this campaign, Lactalis Group saw one of the best results within the group and applied this as a “best practice” case for future campaigns.
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We are here to help, challenge, enhance your own capabilities and make sure to have fun during the process. Let’s meet up to discuss how we can crack the growth code for your business.