AI education

AI is not rocket science when you learn how to unlock it!

AI is not rocket science when you learn how to unlock it!

With all the talk about AI, it’s easy to feel a bit overwhelmed and think it’s too complex, right? Let’s bring your marketing & sales team on board with all the new AI capabilities that are emerging rapidly. Our tailored education will assist you in understanding how to efficiently use and implement valuable & game-changing AI tools in your daily work.

5-20 participants

Half day


5-20 participants

Half day


5-20 participant

Half day


AI in practice - for marketing and sales

AI in practice - for marketing and sales

As the landscape of AI tools and features continues to evolve, it can be challenging for sales and marketing professionals to stay up-to-date and make informed decisions about which tools & features are best suited for their needs. This is why we provide useful educations and resources to assist you understand the capabilities of different AI tools and how to apply them effectively is crucial.

Discover what awaits you in Remotion's AI education

Discover what awaits you in Remotion's AI education

Our AI education is designed to raise awareness and empower marketing and sales professionals by providing insights into what AI is, how it functions, and how AI tools can enhance efficiency and quality in the daily work.

This education incorporates a blend of theory and hands-on practice, focusing on enabling participants to actively test and assess various AI tools to see how they can be applied in a marketing and sales context.

The training starts with an introduction to the fundamentals of AI and essential aspects of how to implement AI effectively. Subsequently, we split into two tracks: ‘For Marketers’ and ‘For Sales,’ engaging in practical exercises. 

The day concludes with a collective discussion on learnings and insights, and potential risks and legal considerations that require our collective understanding.

Key takeaways from the AI education – what to expect?

Key takeaways from the AI education – what to expect?

To address specific business needs, a preparatory meeting is included to discuss content and potential adaptations. Following the education, participants will receive all materials and documentation for their reference.

Agenda for the AI education

  • Introduction & background to AI ​
  • The ecosystem of AI tools
  • AI in practice – Where do I start?
  • Track A: Hands-on for Marketers, creating campaigns with A
  • Track B: Hands-on for Sales
  • Summary & learnings from the tracks
  • Risks, laws, and responsibilities in AI

Our experts & facilitators

Express your interest today!

After submitting this form, we will reach out to you to discuss the next potential steps and price details.

Our experts & facilitators

Express your interest today!

After submitting this form, we will reach out to you to discuss the next potential steps.

About Remotion

We are the leading consulting agency that is cracking the code for business outperformance. We provide an integrated approach to people, process, technology and data to build the critical capabilities to win the hearts and minds of the customers – today and tomorrow. 

We assist our clients in navigating the complexities of business agility, data-driven customer interaction, and performance marketing in today’s dynamic world. 

Our story

We have spent the last 10+ years in this space that we call home. The power source for our company is derived from the mix of capabilities in the teams at Recoordinate, Remotion and Digiview. These teams have now formed the new venture, Remotion, which does not only have the experience, breadth of capabilities but also the ability to deliver value in a new way to a new world.

Vision & mission

We shape the digital age of tomorrow when we turn data into experiences and make the human experience brighter.

As we live on the cutting edge of digitalization, technology and business agility we empower organizations to continuously create value and impact for their customers, employees, partners and shareholders. 

What we value is strategic people

Thought leaders

We challenge perspectives, are generous with our knowledge and have the foresight to be trusted and proactive advisors for our customers. We invest in growing our people and methods to always stay up to date and well ahead.

Can-do mentality

We take the right route, not always the easy one. We embrace new challenges with a positive attitude, encourage initiatives and strive to always be curious. If we stumble or fall, we support each other and reap the learnings for the road ahead.


We approach tasks and each other with a humble and open-minded attitude. We are internally and externally inclusive, hospitable and friendly whether we speak with or about our colleagues, clients, partners or competitors.


There is no “I” in “Team”. We believe that collective intelligence, cross functional teams and delivery methods with joint mandate trumps individual performance, it is also more fun! Likewise, our customers are our partners and therefore treated like colleagues, working in close collaboration with the goal of strengthening the customer relationship, trust and success.


We like to have a playful and creative approach to work, internal and external communication.

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© 2024 Remotion AB
© 2024 Remotion AB

All rights reserved