We help companies with agility, to deliver value in the future

We help companies with agility, to deliver value in the future

At Remotion, we envision a world where organizations evolve continuously, creating genuine value, purpose, and happiness for their customers, employees, partners, and shareholders.

We understand that companies must adapt to a constantly changing and complex world to achieve long-term success. Simply adopting a new way of working is not enough. We believe that organizations must be willing to make significant changes to become meet challenges ahead.

Partner with us to bring about meaningful transformation and prepare your company for future changes and demands.

At Remotion, we envision a world where organizations evolve continuously, creating genuine value, purpose, and happiness for their customers, employees, partners, and shareholders.

At Remotion, we envision a world where organizations evolve continuously, creating genuine value, purpose, and happiness for their customers, employees, partners, and shareholders.

Industry challenges

Industry challenges

Industry challenges

We find ourselves in an increasingly complex business world, where customer demands are ever-changing at a speed previously unheard of, which creates several significant challenges for companies to tackle.

Lack of ability to deliver on strategy & goals

The inability to deliver on strategy and goals is one of the most common challenges facing companies today. The root cause is often the inability of all parts of the organization to join forces and align towards common goals, objectives, and deliveries. A common framework for steering and governing what the company’s most important short- and long-term focus areas are, can create the alignment needed to succeed.

Learning & innovation is not in focus

Innovation is crucial for all companies, but a centralized hub may not be enough. To capture and foster new ideas across the organization, we need a test-and-learn approach and must acknowledge mistakes as learning opportunities.

Employee engagement & motivation is low

Employees feel disengaged when they lack control over workload and decisions affecting their outcome. Self-organizing teams with autonomy and clear mission can significantly increase employee engagement.

Teams are frustrated about their inability to deliver

Companies heavily relying on project-based resource allocation, where people move in and out of different team constellations, often experience a reduction in efficiency, speed, motivation, and engagement – leading to employee frustration. Creating stable teams with set scope, misson and required competence will remedy this.

How do we leverage AI to enhance our performance?

AI is changing how we work and take decisions moving forward. The problem for many companies is to know where and how to leverage AI to complement and enhance their capabilities. AI driven competitors rapidly emerge and it’s vital for market leaders and corporations to adopt the change and reap the opportunity.

Unclarity of mandate & where decisions are made

Organizational charts of a line or matrix set-up may look good on paper, but in reality, they can cause confusion and require too many meetings to align responsibilities. By aligning our organizational setup with value delivery and distributed mandate, we can secure a faster decision process.

Lack of customer centricity

Customer centricity is a popular strategy for companies, but few truly follow their customers’ needs. To succeed, you must have the capability to stay close to your customers, involve them in decision-making, and act on their feedback.

Constant prioritization conflicts

Many companies are stuck in traditional organizational structures and silos, hindering their ability to prioritize and join forces around strategic objectives. A network of teams, self-organizing, will maximize value creation.

Agility solutions

Agility solutions

Our team specializes in helping organizations transition towards becoming more flexible, innovative, and value-creating in an increasingly complex and changing world. We advise executive management on operating models, including organizational structures, governance, leadership, and way of working methods.

Our approach is based primarily on Business Agility principles and values, with a great emphasis on optimizing customer and employee value while ensuring operational efficiency and excellence.

Business agility transformation

Our team helps organizations achieve business agility through cultural change by guiding them in changing structures, roles, and governance. We provide support and serve as trusted advisors in large-scale transformational projects to establish a mindset shift and drive cultural change at all levels, creating a more agile organization.

Coaching & interim solutions

Unlock the full potential of your organization with our coaching and interim solutions. Our experienced coaches and interim professionals helps you to navigate complex challenges and drive growth. Whether you need support during a transition or to build capabilities, we can help you achieve your business goals.

Strategy development

We provide customized solutions to help you adopt a more agile mindset and stay ahead in a rapidly changing business environment. With a focus on customer-centricity, innovation, and collaboration, our strategy development services help you achieve your business goals faster and more effectively.

Training & education

We enhance your organization’s skills and knowledge to adapt to a changing business environment. We provide customized training to equip your teams for specific business challenges. Our practical, hands-on learning focuses on driving innovation, collaboration, AI awareness, and customer-centricity.

Success stories

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Let’s talk!

Let’s talk!

Partner with us to bring about meaningful transformation and prepare your company for future changes and demands. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve your goals.

Partner with us to bring about meaningful transformation and prepare your company for future changes and demands. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve your goals.

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Let’s get in touch!

We are here to help, challenge, enhance your own capabilities and make sure to have fun in the process. Let’s meet up to discuss how we can crack the growth code for your business.