Business update

Once again we leaped ahead with our DI Gasell Jump!

Business update

Once again we leaped ahead with our DI Gasell Jump!

Remotion was named a DI Gasell company for the seventh consecutive year!

This year, under the name Remotion, the combined efforts of Remotion, Digiview (formerly SocialView), and Recoordinate earned their seventh DI Gasell award. This prestigious recognition marks a significant achievement for our unified team and demonstrates our continued commitment to excellence.

This is a fantastic award that recognizes our company as one of Sweden’s fastest growing and most profitable. Congratulations to us for this achievement! As a Gasell company, we are proud to be one of Sweden’s heroes. We create jobs, drive growth and contribute to a strong entrepreneurial spirit in the country.

We are very grateful for this award and want to thank all our employees and customers who have contributed to our success. We look forward to continuing our journey and achieving even greater heights together.

About DI Gasell 

Dagens Industris Gasellföretag is a prestigious award given annually to Sweden’s fastest growing companies. To qualify as a Gasell company, a company must meet strict criteria, including having doubled its turnover over a four-year period and showing positive results. The award aims to highlight companies that contribute to economic growth, innovation and job creation.